Our weight loss pills contain two natural and 100% safe herbs which work in synergy with each other to promote thermogenesis in order to burn fat.
Garcinia cambogia is a natural herb containing Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which inhibits lipogenesis, lowering the production of cholesterol and fatty acids. Thus, increasing the production of glycogen in the liver and suppressing appetite. This increase in the body’s heat through thermogenesis leads to weight loss.
Piper Nigrum is another powerful thermogenic, burning fat molecules and accelerating metabolism. Piper nigrum traps and enhances the thermogenesis of saturated fats which arethe most difficult to lose through physical activity.
Effects of Weight Loss Pills:
(1) Lowers cholestoral and fatty acids
(2) Suppresses appetite
(3) Burns fat
(4) Accelerates metabolism
(5) Loses weight that is difficult to burn through exercise
(6) No side effects