Pouty Lips (Lip Augmentation)

Lip augmentation is a procedure that involves injecting a cosmetic filler into the lips in order to create fuller, more luscious lips. Implants can also be used to augment the lips. The procedure creates a sensual look, restoring fuller lips for individuals that have lost volume and shape in their lips as a result of age and other factors. Lip augmentation can temporarily provide enhancement to the lips' appearance. The body eventually absorbs the injected material and for those wanting to maintain their desired results, they need to receive multiple treatments over time.

How is Lip Augmentation Performed?

A local anaesthetic is administered and then a filler is injected into the lips. There are various injectable fillers used for lip augmentation. Some of the more common fillers used include fat, collagen, and Restylane.

How Will I Feel Post-op?

After any type of lip enhancement procedure, swelling and bruising can be expected. These effects may last a week or so if fillers are utilized for the augmentation and up to three weeks if lip implant placement is performed. Discomfort during the lip augmentation recovery process is minimal and rarely requires management with prescription pain medication.

What are the Risks and Benefits?

Complications are very rare. However, bleeding, infection, and swelling are a possibility with any surgery. Side effects more closely associated with lip augmentation include lumping, scarring, numbness, cold sores, and asymmetrical lips. The benefits include fuller, luscious, more youthful looking lips that your partner can enjoy.

Am I a Candidate for a Lip Augmentation?

Anyone can be a candidate for fuller lips. It is popular amongst young people with thin lips and to assist older women with thinning, wrinkled lips.

What are the Long Term Effects?

The results vary from patient to patient, but studies show they can last anywhere between three and six months. Restylane is slowly becoming the most popular filler on the market today.