Ear Surgery

Ear surgery is a procedure that can reduce the appearance of protruding ears. This surgical procedure is designed to bring the ears closer to the head or to reduce the size of the ears.

How is an Ear Surgery Performed?

The surgeon makes a small incision in the back of the ear to expose the ear cartilage. The cartilage is then sculpted, and the ears bent back toward the head. Stitches are used to hold the new shape. Other techniques are also used to improve the appearance of the ears.

How Will I Feel Post-op?

Most patients can go home within a few hours of surgery. In most cases, the patient's head will be wrapped in a bandage immediately following surgery. This will help provide the best position and healing. Throbbing and aching in the ears is to be expected, which can be relieved with medication. The stitches are removed about a week after surgery.

What are the Risks and Benefits?

The risks are minimal, however an infection may ensue, which can be treated by antibiotics or a blood clot may form, which can be drawn out with a needle.

Am I a Candidate for Ear Surgery?

This is performed on children as well as adults to stop teasing at school. People with large, protruding, cupped (small ears), lob-sided or shell-typed ears are good candidates. Procedures can also be performed on ear lobes.

What are the Long Term Effects?

Your new balanced ears will give your face a new better-proportioned look that is ever-lasting.