Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty)

Chin Augmentation is a surgical procedure that places an implant in the chin in order to bring balance to one's facial appearance. It can also strengthen a jaw-line. These implants can balance out a large forehead or a small chin and give a fuller, firmer face. Chin implants can also restore a more youthful appearance to areas that appear tired.

How is a Chin Augmentation Performed?

There are many different ways to make the incision for chin surgery. But, generally, the surgeon selects the proper size and shape of implant and then inserts it into a pocket over the front of the jawbone.

How Will I Feel Post-op?

Discomfort is usually mild and pain medication is prescribed beforehand. After the operation, you may feel a degree of numbness in your chin that usually disappears within the first couple of months. Your surgeon may ask you to wear a supporting brace during sleep to allow your tissues and implant to heal in the best position possible and prevent shifting in the first few weeks of your recuperation. Swelling usually disappears within the first five to seven days.

What are the Risks and Benefits?

As with any surgery, infections are possible which can be treated by antibiotics. There is also a minimal chance of a blood clot, pigmentation discolouring and numbness. There is also a small chance that the implant may shift after surgery, which can be corrected by a second surgery. There's also a risk of tightening of the skin and scarring around the implant.

Am I a Candidate for Chin Surgery?

A person in good health with a small chin, somebody who has had facial trauma or an older person whose chin has deteriorated.

What are the Long Term Effects?

Swelling may be present for up to six months and the new look can be pronounced, so you must be patient with your new look.