Hair Transplant

Hair loss is a sad part of getting older for a large proportion of society. This condition is caused primarily by a combination of ageing, a change in hormones, and genetics. Burns or trauma can also cause hair loss. Hair transplant surgery is a procedure where grafts and flaps are taken from the head and relocated to bald or thinning areas. Healthy hair which is grown at the back and sides of the head typically serves as these donor areas.

How is a Hair Transplant Performed?

There are two common methods used for removing hair to be transplanted. Hair can be removed from small circular areas (plugs); each containing between eight and twelve hairs; or hair may also be removed from long strips along the sides or near the bottom of the hairline. The advantage of the second method is that it provides the physician with more hair to cut and mould into different-sized plugs and/or grafts. Thousands of grafts (micrografts) can be created from one strip of hair, each containing as few as 1-2 hairs, which are then implanted into the balding spot and sutured in.

How Will I Feel Post-op?

After all of the micrografts have been placed in the scalp, the hair transplantation patient will have stubble in the transplant areas as well as some minor scabbing. The affected scalp should heal rapidly, as should the sutured incision from the donor area. The transplanted hair will fall out after a few weeks, as the hair goes into the resting phase initially. In several months, the hair will start its growing phase again, and the hair should grow at a normal rate.

What are the Risks and Benefits?

As with any surgery there are risks, which are minimised by skilled surgeons. However, scarring and infections may occur at the graft site.

Am I a Candidate for a Hair Transplant?

An ideal candidate will have some hair growth at the sides and the back (for transplant). They must also have realistic expectations.

What are the Long Term Effects?

Once implanted, the new hair will continue to grow just as it did before. It will not thin or die unless hair in the region of the head from which it was taken also thins or dies.

Which Celebrities Have Had Hair Transplants?

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Tom Arnold, Dennis Miller, Salman Khan.