Liposuction (Fat Reduction)

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is the surgical removal of fat cells through a suction tube. Liposuction removes those stubborn fat deposits which are seemingly immune to diet and exercise. In fact, the tendency to accumulate fat deposits, especially within the abdomen, may be genetically related. Often used in conjunction with other plastic surgery techniques, liposuction removes pockets of fat from troublesome areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, upper arms, chin and neck.
Liposuction procedures vary depending on what your ultimate cosmetic goal is, and whether you are combining liposuction with other plastic surgery procedures.

How is Liposuction Performed?

The cosmetic surgeon begins by making a tiny incision and inserts a thin tube (a cannula) into the fatty area. The cannula then breaks up and vacuums away unwanted fat deposits beneath the skin.

How will I Feel Post-op?

Most of the associated bruising and swelling should subside within the first three weeks. In an effort to quicken the healing process, liposuction patients may be encouraged to begin light activity as soon as possible. Patients should take a long walk the day after surgery to promote healing. Most liposuction patients will be able to resume normal activities after four to six weeks. During the recovery process, the cosmetic surgeon may request that the patient wear a compression garment (for up to ten days). Compression garments are easily concealed under clothing and should be worn until the surgeon indicates that it is no longer necessary to wear one.
Visible results are achieved from abdominal liposuction within two or three weeks. Full effects may not be evident for six months to a year.

What are the Risks and Benefits?

Following liposuction, some patients may experience dimpling, lumpiness, numbness, scarring, discoloration or sagging skin in the treated area. Follow-up surgery may be needed to correct these problems. More serious complications associated with abdominal liposuction include blood clots, infection and excessive fluid loss.

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

If you are considering liposuction, it is important that you have realistic expectations. Although dramatic results can be achieved, they may not be as immediate or obvious as you would like. As with all plastic surgery, the success of liposuction will depend on a number of individual factors, such as age, skin elasticity, weight, and overall health. Liposuction is not appropriate for people with a weakened immune system, diabetes, heart or artery problems, or a history of blood clots or restricted blood flow. You are a good candidate for liposuction if you are of normal weight, have healthy, elastic skin and have specific trouble areas such as the tummy, thighs, and buttocks that will not respond to changes in diet and exercise.

What are the Long Term Effects?

Fat cells are permanently removed by liposuction, so future weight gain will not occur in the treated areas. However, this does not guarantee that patients won't gain weight or fat deposits in other areas of their body. Moreover, since fat cells have been removed from the treatment area via abdominal liposuction, subsequent weight gain may appear uneven. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a proper diet and exercise programme.

Which Celebrities Have Had Liposuction?

Demi Moore, Sharon Osbourne, Jamie Lee Curtis, John Schneider (Dukes of Hazard)and Howard Stern.